Installing Node.js 8/9 in Ubuntu/Xubuntu

Few days back Node.js 8.0.0 was released. Without any ado, lets get started with the process of installing Node.js 8.0.0 in Ubuntu/Xubuntu.


  • Simply go to the official website of Node.js or click here to download th latest version of node.js.
  • After you downloaded the package, extract it using the command :
    tar -xf name_of_package
  • Rename the folder just made after extraction of the package to nodejs. Command is this :mv name_of_package nodejs
  • Copy the folder nodejs inside the ‘bin‘ folder in root directory using the command:
    sudo cp -r nodejs /bin
  • At this point, you need to add the nodejs binaries in the PATH variable so that they can be executed from anywhere.
    There are two ways to do this. I am using the less popular way to keep things easy. What you have to do is that copy the files inside nodejs/bin
    Use this command : sudo cp /bin/nodejs/bin/*/usr/local/bin/
  • Okay all done. Check the version of Node.js and NPM using the following commands :
    • node -v
    • npm -v
  • If you face any error while checking the version of npm, one like this “Error: Cannot find module ‘../lib/utils/unsupported.js’ “ do the following :
    • Remember the ‘nodejs’ folder in the ‘Downloads’?
    • Go to Downloads folder, and give the following series of commands :
      • Delete the ‘npm’ in usr/local/bin
        Use this command: sudo rm usr/local/bin/npm
      • cd ~/Downloads [Go to the Downloads Folder]
      • cd nodejs/bin [Go inside the binaries folder of node.js]
      • Execute npm from inside the node binaries file to install latest version of NPM globally use the following command:
        sudo ./npm install npm@latest -g
      • Done !
  • Now finally you can use the latest NPM v5.0.1 and Node.js v8/9
  • Suggestions/corrections are welcome
  • Thanks ! Happy coding

3 thoughts on “Installing Node.js 8/9 in Ubuntu/Xubuntu

  1. Hi. Many thanks for these instructions. But 2 details should be corrected :
    1. I faced an error with the installation of npm. You advise is to delete /usr/local/bin/npm. /usr/local/bin/npx must also be deleted.
    2. “sudo rm usr/local/bin/npm” -> “sudo rm /usr/local/bin/npm”


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